Saturday 17 March 2012

Escape Into The Alone Shadow

Escape Into The Shadow

I tried too hard 
to be noticed, 
I tried to be someone  
I was not;

waiting and waiting 
I watch time slowly tick away 
as another day dawns 
I watch the world scurry around;

I wanted to be someone, 
I wanted to be famous, 
I wanted life and 
I wanted love;

I wanted a lot of things 
that were out of reach 
as I sink in slowly 
under the weight of expectations;

I tried to be what they 
wanted me to be, 
I tried to be what I was 
not meant to be;

I tried too hard 
I pushed too far 
and I went too far;

with a forced smile, 
and  a fake laughter 
to cover my tracks 
I escape into the shadows 
and try to fight this one out, 
all alone;

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